

Watamu and its wonderful beaches are a popular destination for tourism from all over the world.


Sea and beaches in Watamu

Watamu’s beaches take your heart.

The sand is white and fine and to the point like talcum powder; the water is crystal clear.

Its temperature is so high (around 30 degrees) that it invites swimming and/or beautiful walks on the sand tongues that are created during low tide.



Difficult to create a ranking given the vast choice, here are some…

Seven Island and Love Island

Love Island (“Kithangani” in Swahili) , Paparemo beach:

in the vicinity of our villas, 1km, is so called because, due to the magic that the low tide is able to create, it takes the shape of a heart.

Garoda beach

Garoda beach is one of the most beautiful beaches on the Coast that with its beautiful tongues of white sand that come out at low tide, the boats that do the blue safari take advantage of it by stopping so that they can swim and take walks and then continue to Mida Creek.

This beach can be reached by Boda Boda (mototini) and/or a Tuk Tuk and is located in the Dongo kundu area.

It is 10 to 15 minutes away from our vile.


Reachable within 10 to 15 minutes from our villas, you cannot fail to spend a day at Jacaranda beach.

Its white sand, the walk on the sandy tongue and the chance to be transported by typical local boats (Dhow) to sardinia 2 will make a day at Jacaranda an extraordinary day.

And it doesn’t end there… To you the discovery…