Typical Dishes

Eating in Kenya


If you are preparing for a trip to Kenya, here is a guide on what to eat and have prepared by our chefs.


The dishes of Kenyan cuisine are many and varied, the result of a mix of cultural influences that has bequeathed a rich gastronomic heritage, enhanced most by the skillful use of spices and delicious raw materials available in abundance.


The climate is conducive to agriculture, and the country is very rich in tropical fruits that allow exotic touches to be added to dishes; the proximity of the Indian Ocean provides fish and shellfish, but there is no shortage of farms that allow for top-quality meat


Typical dishes


Considered the national dish, ugali is the country’s most famous specialty.

It is based on a simple recipe involving cornmeal porridge accompanied by beef stew and mushrooms or baked fish.



Sukuma Wiki

Sukuma wiki is a green cabbage dish that is also often accompanied by ugali for those who want a vegetarian version.

The recipe is very simple: cabbage is finely chopped and cooked in a pan along with tomatoes and onions.

The result is a very light dish that is rich in beneficial properties and tastes great.



Nyama Choma

A street food specialty, nyama choma is grilled meat commonly found on city streets, but it can also be enjoyed while sitting in a restaurant.

It is one of the most beloved dishes in Kenya precisely because of its simplicity: the meat is seasoned essentially with salt and pepper and has a really succulent smoky flavor.

The most common pairing is with kachumbari salad and ugali.



Mayai Chips

This specialty reflects Western influences on Kenyan cuisine: in fact, it is a recipe that essentially combines French fries and omelet in the same dish.

It is certainly not light and healthy, but for once you can make an exception!

It is usually served with kachumbari salad and a tomato sauce and is perfect as an evening snack and appetizer.




Mutura is a very tasty sausage blood sausage due to the presence of a mix of flavorings and spices such as ginger, garlic, green or red chili, and shallots.

It is usually served as an appetizer or snack to be eaten accompanied by a cold beer.




Simple and high in protein, githeri is a dish made from corn and beans.

There are different variations of these depending on the seasonings, which can be onions, tomatoes and a mix of herbs and spices of your choice.

This is a dish often consumed by Kenyans.



Fried Tilapia

Tilapia is a widely consumed fish in Kenya, as it is available in large quantities and at cheap prices.

The most common way to eat it is fried and served as an accompaniment to kachumbari, ugali or pilau.

If you love seafood dishes, don’t miss this delicacy.




Another popular specialty is Pilau, a savory mix of rice cooked in chicken and vegetable broth and flavored with a mix of spices that is then accompanied by the boiled meat used for the broth.



Kenyan Chapati

Kenyan chapati is a light and fluffy bread very similar to Arabic bread or piadina and is made simply with flour, salt and oil.

It is a must for every meal, whether at home or in a restaurant, and is eaten at every occasion: it goes with tea, meat or bean dishes, and salads.




Kachumbari salad is another must-have in Kenyan cuisine: refreshing and a great accompaniment to any meat, fish, and legume dish, it is made with fresh tomatoes, onions, green chilies, and cilantro.

The final touch is provided by lemon juice and a pinch of salt.




Mukimo is a tasty and healthy vegetable pie popular in Kenya and served during special occasions and ceremonies.

However, you can commonly order it at restaurants and it makes for a great vegetarian lunch: it is made from a mix of peas, potatoes, corn, spinach and squash.

The ingredients are cooked and then mashed or blended together, thus creating a puree that is then molded into the shape of a cupcake.




Bhajiyas are a widely consumed snack in Kenya and a tasty appetizer.

These are essentially French fries, which are first cut into thin circular slices and then boiled and finally fried in batter.

The result is exceptional taste and crisp texture.

They go with various spicy sauces or traditional ketchup.




A typical African specialty, samosas are triangular-shaped pancakes filled with meat or vegetables (usually potatoes or peas) that are first flavored with spices typical of Kenyan cuisine.

Typically, samosas are eaten as a snack with tea or aperitif with beer and are highly valued for their fragrant texture and the mix of spices that makes this a particularly tasty snack.




Another very simple and tasty dish, maharagwe consists of Kenyan red beans cooked in coconut milk and flavored with a mixture of spices and chili peppers.

It is ideal to accompany dishes such as ugali, some white rice or chapati bread.

There are several variations of this dish, which can be more or less spicy depending on the mix of seasonings.




Matoke is a traditional recipe using a popular fruit in Kenya, green bananas, which in this dish are presented in a decidedly distinctive mix along with meat, tomatoes, peppers, and onions.

This is seasoned with salt, pepper and coriander.

Certainly a nontrivial and very healthy dish that will amaze you.



Mbaazi Za Nazi

Mbaazi za nazi is a popular dish in the coastal regions of Kenya and is usually eaten for breakfast.

It is based on a simple recipe in which the main ingredient is cayan beans, which are cooked in coconut milk.

It is usually served with chapati bread or mandazi (a kind of doughnut).



Kuku Paka

For lovers of exotic flavors, kuku paka is perfect: nothing more than chicken cooked in a curry and coconut milk sauce.

The special feature is that the chicken is grilled before being pureed in curry, which gives the dish an exquisite smoky flavor.




A delicious street food or appetizer as well as a delicious main course, mishkaki are grilled meat skewers that sometimes include the addition of peppers and other vegetables alternating with the meat.




Another tasty street food is makai, or grilled corn.

You can find it on virtually every city corner and it is a delicious and inexpensive snack.

Once toasted over the fire, the corn is seasoned with lemon and hot salt.



Wali Wa Nazi

Wali wa nazi is a simple coconut milk rice widely consumed in coastal areas of Kenya where it is paired with chicken or fish curries or with legume dishes.




Another succulent Kenyan dish is karanga, a beef and potato stew that is well suited as a pairing with a serving of white rice or ugali.




Irio mashed sweet potatoes, with peas and corn – classic Kenyan dish.

Irio is a simple specialty that lends itself well as a side dish to meat dishes or even as a vegetarian main course.

It is essentially a mashed potato enriched with peas and corn.



Odowa Stones

More than a specialty, odowa is a product that is sure to attract the curiosity of many tourists.

It is in fact edible clay, available in small “stones” sold in supermarkets and stalls.

It is a popular product among pregnant women who are used to chew these crunchy and soft stones at the same time to calm the hunger pangs of pregnancy and make up for the mineral deficiencies in which this product is rich.

It is certainly a bizarre custom, but the curious can try it for themselves.


